Education Samples
I’ve been writing about or working in progressive education since the start of the 21st century. I understand education reform and what good teaching and learning look like, and I’ve helped a number of organizations — ed-tech startups, national education companies, art museums, independent schools, urban school districts — articulate their vision and work.
Article ➜
Explains why arts education matters in the age of COVID-19 (International Arts + Mind Lab at the Brain Science Institute at
Johns Hopkins Medical)
Article ➜
Offers advice on what parents can look for when choosing a preschool for their child during and around the coronavirus pandemic (Baltimore magazine)
View Book ➜
Showcases an independent school’s project-based approach to teaching and learning; targets “creative class” parents
(Duke School)
Article ➜
Explains the concept of “21st-century learning” as it relates to a pre-kindergarten to 8th-grade independent school
(Duke School)
E-Blast ➜
Announces an article series about STEM learning and the importance of cultivating problem-solving skills (LearnNow)
Press Release ➜
Announces the launch of an initiative to bring the latest research on learning to parents and educators (LearnNow)
Enrollment Guide ➜
Raises awareness about the importance of early learning to families of young kids (Baltimore City Public Schools)
Blog post ➜
Explores the rise of career-based colleges, as pressure mounts for students (ghostwritten for a tech startup)
Blog post ➜
Discusses the evolving role of standardized tests in the college admissions process (ghostwritten for a tech startup)
Article ➜
Highlights of a progressive partnership between a public school system and local art museums
Web Copy ➜
Makes the case for project-based teaching and learning as an integral part of a 21st-century education