
Here are some of the organizations I've worked with as a freelance writer/editor:

➜ Astriata

➜ Baltimore magazine

➜ Baltimore City Public Schools

➜ Baltimore Museum of Art

➜ Brain Science Institute at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

➜ Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh

Carnegie magazine

➜ Center for Technology in Education, Johns Hopkins University

➜ Curiosityville

Diabetes Forecast magazine

➜ Duke School

➜ EdLights | K-12 Marketing Intelligence | Junyo

Hopkins Medicine magazine

JHU Engineering magazine, Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering

➜ LearnIt Systems and LEARN Behavioral

➜ LearningMate

➜ Learning Resource Network (


➜ National Summer Learning Association

ONE magazine, Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School

➜ Pittsburgh City Paper

Pittsburgh magazine

➜ Right Source Marketing

➜ Rhiza

TEQ Magazine (Pittsburgh)

➜ The Project Approach (Sylvia Chard, professor emeritus at the University of Alberta)

➜ The Scholar and Feminist Online, Barnard College Center for Research on Women

US Airways Magazine

➜ Weill Cornell Medicine

➜ Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine